Creating a LitElement

This is a very basic blog post on how to create a simple web component using Polymer LitElement.

A web component is basically a view with functionality that you can reuse in any frameworks on any web page. Such a web component can then simply be used by just using the element as:


inside your web page built in any framework.

Web components work on the four web standards:

  • Custom elements
  • Shadow DOM
  • ES5 Modules
  • HTML templates

Dive deeper into web components here.

Here, we will focus on how to create a web component using Polymer’s LitElement which uses lit-html to render the web component or the custom element as nodes in the shadow DOM tree.

Getting set up

First thing first, we need to install node and npm. If we have that, we proceed to install polymer cli which which help us create a custom element in a polymer project.

To install polymer CLI,

npm install -g polymer-cli

We can run our project and serve it simply like :

polymer serve

Once your project setup is ready, you can start with creating the first lit element.

Create a Custom Element

The first step here would be to install litElement using npm inside your project.

npm install lit-element

Create a .js file for your web component now. Lets call it myWebComp.js

In this file, you would include the lit element from the library you just installed:

import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';

Then create a class for your element extending the LitElement,

export class myWebComp extends LitElement {
  render() {
    return html `<div>text here</div>`

Any element created with LitElement should have an implementation of render() function to render your template. This render function should return a Template result of lit-html. To create this template result, we use :

return html`<!--template comes here-->    `;

Register the custom element

Now, the next step is to register this custom element with the browser, to do that, we use the customElements DOM API as:

customElements.define('my-web-comp', myWebComp);

In Typescript, we can avoid explicitly registering the custom element with the browser by using @customElement decorator.

export class myWebComp extends LitElement {

  compProp = 'hello';

    return html`<p>${this.compProp}</p>`;

This way, we create our custom element using LitElement and register it with the browser.

Now, we are ready to use this as a web component in our different projects. Let us see how:

To use it in any other project of yours locally, you can simply place the path to your custom element and the element in the .html file.

  <script type="module" src="/path/to/my-web-comp.js"></script>

To be able to use it in any of you other projects, you can publish it as a package to npm and make it ready-for-use for other projects/developers.

To see how to publish a web component as a package to npm, check the Publishing to npm section of this blog post.

Installing your web component and using in another project

One published to npm, install the component inside your project folder using:

npm install @nishugoel/my-web-comp
  <script type="module" src="node_modules/package-name/my-web-comp.js"></script>

To use this component inside another web component, you can place it inside the .js file of the new web component.

import '@nishugoel/my-web-comp/my-web-comp.js';

class NewCustElement extends LitElement{
    return html`
      <my-web-comp></my-web-comp>       // Using our custom element inside the implementation of another custom element
customElements.define('new-cust-ele', NewCustElement);

If you do not see your web component, it might be because of polyfills. I have written more about the necessary polyfills here.

Thanks for reading!

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