Working with Hasura in Angular 6

In this article, we will work with setting up a login application with the Hasura’s GraphQL engine using Angular 6.
Starting with a small description about GraphQL and Hasura’s GraphQL engine.

GraphQL is an open source data query and manipulation language, and a runtime for fulfilling queries with existing data. It is designed to build client applications by providing an intuitive and flexible syntax and system for describing their data requirements and interactions.

Hasura’s GraphQLEngine
The Hasura GraphQL Engine is an extremely lightweight, high-performance product that gives you instant real-time GraphQL APIs on a Postgres database. This can be used to quickly build new applications on Postgres or fast-track the move to GraphQL for existing applications on Postgres.

To start working with these inside an Angular 6 or above application, Step 1 is to set up Angular for Hasura inside our system. To do that, we need to open the terminal and implement the following commands.

Assuming Angular CLI is already installed globally, use:

$ ng new hasura-app –routing
$ cd hasura-app

If Angular CLI isn’t installed already, install using:

$ npm install -g @angular/cli

And run the application on localhost:4200 using:

$ ng serve

Now, Step 2 is to set up Apollo Client which helps us build a UI that fetches the data from the GraphQL server. To install Apollo, use:

$ npm install apollo-angular apollo-angular-link-http apollo-client apollo-cache-inmemory graphql-tag graphql

Once done with that, Step 3 is to set up your Hasura’s engine on Heroku, using the HASURA_GRAPHQL_ACCESS_KEY, Creating a Table with all the custom checks and permissions provided.

Now, coming to Step 4, we use Auth0 to set up our application that will login to our Angular app.

Create a new application on Auth0, set it up as Single Page Application, and give the callback URL as: http://localhost:4200

Finally, configuring the Apollo client to interact with Hasura Engine, we create a new GraphQL module. Like this:

We can further organize our application create more components providing queries inside a query.ts file.

By the end, your code should look like this:

While injecting the service, auth.service.ts

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