Course: Angular for Beginners

To all the beginners of Angular out there, here is a step-by-step video course for you all. This course will focus on creating web applications using the JavaScript framework Angular and will walk us through a journey of learning how to install Angular to learning how to route from one page to another using components, directives, modules, routing etcetera.

This course is made and published with BPB PublicationsAsia’s largest publishers of computer books in India from last 58 years.
By the end of this course, you will be able to create a dynamic Angular web application.


The course comprises the following topics:

Setting up Development Environment
a. Installing NodeJS : 30 sec
b. Installing Angular CLI
c. Create new project
d. Run project
e. Explain how you can change port number
Adding Component
a. Introduction
b. Add component using CLI
c. Add component manually
d. Show options of Template and TemplateURL
e. Show options of Style and StyleURL
Data Binding
a. Introduction
b. Interpolation
c. Property binding
d. Event Binding
e. Two way Binding
f. Demo on Binding
Adding Module
a. Introduction
b. Adding Module using CLI
c. Adding Module Manually
Adding Service
a. Introduction
b. Adding Service using CLI
c. Adding Service Manually
d. Demo on Service
Component Communication
a. Introduction
b. @Input
c. @Output
d. Temp Ref Variable
Forms in Angular
a. Introduction
b. Template driven forms
c. Reactive Forms
Working with API
a. Using $http service
b. Read data
Create data
Update data

Delete data
Routing in Angular
a. Introduction to Routing
b. Create Basic Routes
c. Create Route Modules
d. Navigating from one route to another


Refer to the whole course here:

Consider watching it in just Rs. 199/- (2.73 USD).
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