Udemy- Step by Step Guide: Angular for Beginners

I am very excited to share that my course Angular for Beginners by BPB Publications has been published on Udemy.comĀ (https://www.udemy.com/angular-for-beginners-l/). It is a step-by-step video course for all the Angular beginnersĀ  This course will focus on creating web applications using the JavaScript framework AngularĀ and will walk us through a journey of learning how to install… Continue reading Udemy- Step by Step Guide: Angular for Beginners

Video: Reactive Forms in Angular

In Angular, Forms are of two types: Template-driven Forms Model-driven Forms, also known as Reactive Forms Reactive Forms are used when there is some immutable data model, which is mapped to a database.To learn more about the working of Reactive Forms, refer to the blog post: Reactive (Model-driven) Forms in AngularĀ orĀ  Watch this video on… Continue reading Video: Reactive Forms in Angular

Course: Angular for Beginners

To all the beginners of Angular out there, here is a step-by-step video course for you all. This course will focus on creating web applications using the JavaScript framework AngularĀ and will walk us through a journey of learning how to install Angular to learning how to route from one page to another using components, directives,… Continue reading Course: Angular for Beginners

Video: Content Projection in Angular

In this video, we will learn about yet another way of binding the data in Angular, i.e., Content Projection.There is a kind of visual wrapper around our content which has to be projected. To learn more, refer to this video on bpbonline. Do share the feedback. Thanks.