Proud to deliver Angular talk in India’s largest Angular Conference: ng-India

February 23, 2019 is the date.  I will be speaking in India’s largest Angular conference, ng-India. I will be talking about @HostBinding() and @HostListener() in Angular.

The conference starts at 7:30 AM in the morning with the registration process, some talks followed by timely snack and lunch breaks. A welcome note by the organiser of ng-India, Mr. Dhananjay Kumar 

This will be followed by some more talks and then a panel discussion with the best speakers of the industry, finally coming to an end with the speaker felicitation process.

Venue: Fortune Select Excalibur Hotel, Gurgaon, India

To get the tickets to the conference, buy here.

I am very excited to speak at ng-india and to see you all there.

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