IWD India Summit 2020

IWD India Summit 2020 is not very far and I am sure all of you are as excited as I am.I will be talking about framework-agnostic web components in Polymer, Angular etc. on May 31, 2020. Talk: Web Technologies/AngularDate & Time: May 31, 3:15PM — 3:45PM I am writing this blog post to bring up… Continue reading IWD India Summit 2020

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP)

Around May 2018, I started my journey of development and with Angular. With loads of learning and projects in the progress, I started writing blog posts and sharing my understanding with others through the writings, videos, discussions etc. This gave way to diving deeper into technology and I started sharing my learning by delivering talks… Continue reading Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP)

DI deets

The title seems vague? I hope you guessed already what it is going to be about. In this blog post, I will be sharing about dependency injection in general and move to further discuss the DI details in Angular framework. I will try to dive deeper into the topic and demystify some of the less known concepts… Continue reading DI deets

Recognized as a Google Developer Expert

I am very excited to be sharing that I have been recognized as a Google Developer Expert in Angular. I am very thankful to everyone who was so supportive in the process. What is GDE? GDE is a program to recognize individuals who are experts in some technology and use their knowledge to contribute to the… Continue reading Recognized as a Google Developer Expert

The Angular Router – Trivandrum TechCon20

2020 started with the first Angular event on 25th of January of the year. This event, Trivandrum TechCon20 was organised as a part of 2020 twenty series in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. The event included multiple talks about Azure, .NET, Flutter, cognitive services from some great speakers. I spoke about the Angular Router and its lifecycle… Continue reading The Angular Router – Trivandrum TechCon20

A book on Angular Routing?

When I started my journey of learning Angular, the concept that captured my interest totally was the routing and navigation techniques in the framework. First of all, my basic understanding of web apps was that there are multiple pages and clicking on one element on a page would link to the next page having a… Continue reading A book on Angular Routing?

CSharp Corner Conference 2019

In the month of April 2019, I got the opportunity to speak at the annual conference of CSharp Corner. CSharp Corner is the worldwide community of software professionals and developers located in the USA. The conference included talks on diverse technologies such as .NET, BlockChain, Docker, Angular et cet era. With Angular being one of the… Continue reading CSharp Corner Conference 2019

ng-India Conference 2019

Organised on February 23, 2019 in Gurgaon, India, ngIndiarightly proved its stature as the largest Angular conference of India. Starting from the love of the audience to the super informative sessions from all the speakers, the one-day conference did great justice to the community with people coming in from so many different cities/countries like Chennai, Ludhiana,… Continue reading ng-India Conference 2019