Recognized as a Google Developer Expert

I am very excited to be sharing that I have been recognized as a Google Developer Expert in Angular. I am very thankful to everyone who was so supportive in the process. What is GDE? GDE is a program to recognize individuals who are experts in some technology and use their knowledge to contribute to the… Continue reading Recognized as a Google Developer Expert

forkJoin, combineLatest, withLatestFrom

In this blog post about understanding the usage of these three combination operators and handling errors with these, I will cover: What are combination operators in RxJS use cases for three of these handling errors when using combination operators Introduction to why combination operators When working with data streams, we might want to combine multiple… Continue reading forkJoin, combineLatest, withLatestFrom

Step-by-step guide to creating your first library in Angular

I was working on a library project and I realised having never really documented anywhere about the step by step creation of an angular library, both for my later reference and for you all. So, here I go! Before I start this blog post, I want to convey about an angular library codelab that I… Continue reading Step-by-step guide to creating your first library in Angular

A book on AngularĀ Routing?

When I started my journey of learning Angular, the concept that captured my interest totally was the routing and navigation techniques in the framework. First of all, my basic understanding of web apps was that there are multiple pages and clicking on one element on a page would link to the next page having a… Continue reading A book on AngularĀ Routing?