Want your components to share information? Yes, they can!
Say you have two components, a parent component (PC) and a child component (CC) and you want the data to move from the parent component to the child component or vice versa, you use COMPONENT COMMUNICATION/INTERACTION.
There are multiple ways to achieve that. This article focuses on the use of @Input() to receive the data from the PC to CC.

@Input decorator is used to pass data from parent to child component. Now suppose we have created two components:
app.component.ts and child.component.ts
Here, we have decorated the message property with the @Input() decorator so that value of the message property can be set from the parent component.
Now, let us modify the parent component AppComponent to pass data to the child component.
We create a property called _message and using @Input() decorator, create getter and setter for the _message property.
It checks here if the value passed is an empty string. If yes, we assign the default value for message in the child component.
This is one-way communication between components. In the upcoming article, we’ll see component communication both ways.
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