IWD India Summit 2020

IWD India Summit 2020 is not very far and I am sure all of you are as excited as I am.I will be talking about framework-agnostic web components in Polymer, Angular etc. on May 31, 2020. Talk: Web Technologies/AngularDate & Time: May 31, 3:15PM — 3:45PM I am writing this blog post to bring up… Continue reading IWD India Summit 2020

Code Lab — Web Components using Angular Elements

Link to Code Lab: https://ng-codelab-webcomponents.netlify.com In this small blog post, I’ll walk through the code lab I created for learning how to create web components using Angular Elements, understanding the different web component specifications, and then being able to use them in some other frameworks. In the month of February, I will be speaking at… Continue reading Code Lab — Web Components using Angular Elements

The Angular Router – Trivandrum TechCon20

2020 started with the first Angular event on 25th of January of the year. This event, Trivandrum TechCon20 was organised as a part of 2020 twenty series in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. The event included multiple talks about Azure, .NET, Flutter, cognitive services from some great speakers. I spoke about the Angular Router and its lifecycle… Continue reading The Angular Router – Trivandrum TechCon20

CSharp Corner Conference 2019

In the month of April 2019, I got the opportunity to speak at the annual conference of CSharp Corner. CSharp Corner is the worldwide community of software professionals and developers located in the USA. The conference included talks on diverse technologies such as .NET, BlockChain, Docker, Angular et cet era. With Angular being one of the… Continue reading CSharp Corner Conference 2019

ng-India Conference 2019

Organised on February 23, 2019 in Gurgaon, India, ngIndiarightly proved its stature as the largest Angular conference of India. Starting from the love of the audience to the super informative sessions from all the speakers, the one-day conference did great justice to the community with people coming in from so many different cities/countries like Chennai, Ludhiana,… Continue reading ng-India Conference 2019

Pre-requisites for my talk at #ngIndia

Hello lovely people! With just 13 days left for the Angular conference of India — #ngIndia, here I have put down some of the must-knows before you come to attend my talk on the topic “HostBinding() & HostListener()” in Angular. ngIndia is happening on February 23, 2019 in Fortuna Excalibur, Gurgaon, India. Check the conference website ng-ind.comfor details. When you look… Continue reading Pre-requisites for my talk at #ngIndia

Contemplating 2018

Graduating from the university in this year, 2018 was a revolutionary year for me. This was due to loads of things happening around. Since it was a break time after college and my campus placement at this renowned company, IBM was still months away for joining, I went for a fellowship program based on Community… Continue reading Contemplating 2018