In this article, we will work with setting up a login application with the Hasura’s GraphQL engine using Angular 6. Starting with a small description about GraphQL and Hasura’s GraphQL engine. GraphQLGraphQL is an open source data query and manipulation language, and a runtime for fulfilling queries with existing data. It is designed to build… Continue reading Working with Hasura in Angular 6
Tag: #angularcli
Error: Cannot match any routes
In Angular, when working with routing, we face this error “Cannot match any routes” very commonly. This generally occurs when there is a mismatch in the routes specified, or a component which is not present in our routing configuration, or if there is the use of multiple routes in our angular application which is not… Continue reading Error: Cannot match any routes
All about your package.json
Our Angular applications use a lot of packages, modules and other files to work in the way they do. All the packages with their versions that our project depends on is what is contained inside this file called package.json. Anything that needs to be changed in the package can simply be updated inside the package.json… Continue reading All about your package.json
Common errors faced on compilation in Angular
Recently, I was working on a project where in I was trying to connect Angular to Firebase database to do some back end work with Angular. The compilation after connecting the Firebase to my Angular application threw buckets of errors to me. That is when I realized an article on the common errors we face while… Continue reading Common errors faced on compilation in Angular
Debugging Angular Apps
We have been working with a variety of concepts in Angular, but when it comes to debugging our Angular application, that’s when it becomes one of the hardest parts of the job. The very first step when it comes to solving the errors in our application is reading and comprehending the error messages correctly. Most… Continue reading Debugging Angular Apps
Video: Reactive Forms in Angular
In Angular, Forms are of two types: Template-driven Forms Model-driven Forms, also known as Reactive Forms Reactive Forms are used when there is some immutable data model, which is mapped to a database.To learn more about the working of Reactive Forms, refer to the blog post: Reactive (Model-driven) Forms in Angular or Watch this video on… Continue reading Video: Reactive Forms in Angular
Directives in Angular
Want your DOM (Document Object Model) element to behave in a certain manner, yes you can do that in Angular. We can attach a specified behavior to a DOM element in our angular application. This is done with the help of a decorator @Directive. Directives are a like a marker on our DOM elements which… Continue reading Directives in Angular
Proud to deliver Angular talk in India’s largest Angular Conference: ng-India
February 23, 2019 is the date. I will be speaking in India’s largest Angular conference, ng-India. I will be talking about @HostBinding() and @HostListener() in Angular. The conference starts at 7:30 AM in the morning with the registration process, some talks followed by timely snack and lunch breaks. A welcome note by the organiser of… Continue reading Proud to deliver Angular talk in India’s largest Angular Conference: ng-India
Wildcard Routes in Angular
In a routing-based angular application, we create different routes to be directed to, and for that we create different components. If you are new to routing, refer to my previous article on how to create basic routes in Angular here. To start with understanding what are wildcard routes, let us first assume that we have… Continue reading Wildcard Routes in Angular
JavaScript Modules vs. NgModules
This article explains in short about the difference between the JavaScript modules and NgModules and that how they are used in Angular. Modules help organize our code and use it in an efficient way. The manner in which the code is organised is different for JavaScript and Angular but the ultimate purpose of a module… Continue reading JavaScript Modules vs. NgModules